Sunday, March 2, 2008

Animals' sounds!

This is very interesting. You may never think about it but once you read this entry, you will find it amazing.
Once, my English teacher ( he's from New York) talked about how animals' sounds are different in many countries. His talk was so interesting that I got feed off from it to write this entry.
Let's see:

The Bees' sound in English is buzz/bzzz, in Japanese is boon boon, in Turkish is vizzz, ...

The small birds' sound in English is cheep/chirp, in Danish is pip-pip, Dutch is tjiep, Greek is tsiou tsiou, ...

The Cat mewing sound in English is meow, in Japanese is nyan nyan/nyaa nyaa, in Swedish is mjan mjan, ...

The Chicken (hen) clucking's sound in English is cluck cluck, in Finnish is kot-kot, in French is cotcotcodet, in Greek is ko ko ko/ka ka ka, in Turkish is gut gut gdak, ...

The dogs' sound in English is woof woof/ruff ruff, in Danish is vov-vov, in French is ouah ouah, in Russian is hav-hav/gav-gav,...

The Ducks' sound in English is quack quack, in Danish is rap-rap, in French is coin coin, in Greek is pa-pa-pa, in Spanish is kryacua cua, in Hungarian is háp-háp,...

The frogs' sound in English is croak/ribbit (USA), in Danish is kvæk-kvæk, in German is quaak quaak, in Japanese is kero kero, in German is quaak quaak, in Swedish is ko ack ack ack, ...

The Goat bleating's sound in English is naa, in Dutch is mè mè, in French is bê bê, in Russian is me-e-e,...

The Pig grunting's sound in English is oink, in Dutch is knor knor, in French is groin groin, in Japanese is boo boo, in Russian is hrgu-hrgu,...

The parrot's sound in English is pretty Polly/Who's a pretty boy? (that's weird), in Dutch is lorre/Lora Lora, in French is coco, in Japanese is ohayo (=good morning), in Spanish is lorito lorito, in German is Lora Lora, ...

That's interesting, isn't it? Now, consider this situation. If an parrot traveled around the world, how could it know what sound it have to make in each country it comes? Does that parrot have to look at its passport and say : "Ah, I'm in French now so I have to say coco ".
Funny hah?

Written by Tata.


vegetarianshark said...

a Colourful and informative entry, right?^^

Anonymous said...

wow wow, Tata always makes us surprise. I love ur entry

Anonymous said...

bee looks so kute :x :x :x

Nguyễn Thanh Bình said...

Would you please give me the source of the photos?